How to Prepare
The Branch Manager or Coordinator will handle the extra elements of the project. If you have questions about this process, speak with your new Branch Manager or contact Broker To Broker directly.
One key to a successful project lies in the broker’s preparation of his/her account information. The following guidelines walk the broker through this preparation process:
Identify all accounts you wish to notify of your transfer. If you want to "weed out" inactive accounts, now is the time to do it.
Your manager and your legal advisor will guide you through the process of compiling data to send Broker To Broker. Provide client information in the format they prescribe. This may or may not include:
- The account registration
- The client's current mailing address
Arrange the records in alphabetical order by the client’s last name. This facilitates the process of "householding" accounts. (Unless otherwise noted, Broker To Broker assumes that accounts having the same last name and address may be mailed in the same envelope.)
Devise a prototype Client Letter (cover letter for the mailings) with the approval of your new Manager.
For each household, you may indicate how you would like the Client Letter's salutation to read (e.g., James and Margaret Smith may be greeted as "Dear Jim and Peggy"). This step is optional but adds a very personal touch to each mailing. If no salutation is noted, "Mr. and Mrs.", "Dr.", "Ms.", etc. are utilized. "Valued Client" is used in cases where gender is undeterminable.
Broker-To-Broker has the capability of scanning your signature into the Client Letter. If you choose to take advantage of this service, we will need a sample of your signature. For optimum clarity, please sign clearly and crisply in black ink on a plain white sheet of paper. It is also helpful to have 2 or 3 samples from which to choose.
Check with your new Manager for instructions on forwarding your prepared information to us.